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The Darrold Doughtys

The Shine Doughtys

Expect a Miracle Crusade was a highlight of this year with Brother and Sister Doughty and their church family.  It was pure delight to walk among these people, to fellowship with them, and the ministering among them was totally a Spiritual Experience for me.

With 100 young people seated on the front row nightly worshipping, ministering to each other and adults throughout the crowd, I simply stood back and spiritually inhaled the incense of it all.  Their Youth group is simply marvelous - one of the very greatest I have encountered in my evangelist work within this country!

People came from many areas to this Crusade - my excellent friends, Steve Hoff and son, the Tim Browns from Indiana, and a number of others...  Refreshing and rewarding in the Spirit naturally and spiritually!  I Praise God for it and for His manifested Greatness in this hour before His coming!

There was revelation and impartation accomplished in this Crusade.  The Holy Ghost manifested Himself throughout with eight being filled with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and eight baptized in the Saving Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins.  Acts 2:38 - with the Gift of Faith working and moving as it did, there are many things accomplished by the Spirit of God that eternity will reveal.  As Apostolic Christians, we live the most exciting lives on planet earth...  AMEN!

Lee Stoneking




